Detailed Steps for Uploading Data to the Portal

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Below are the detailed steps broken up into the following sections:

Experience errors during the upload process?

Reach out to the open data team at the Department of Technology.

1. Create dataset on the open data portal & add initial metadata

2. Upload data resources

4. Add field definitions to your data

5. Review your dataset metadata

6. Review your resources

7. Share the private dataset with your team for review and approval

All reviewers must have accounts on to review the private dataset

If you haven't checked, make sure all reviewers have access to publishing within your organization on the portal. If you need to request access, contact the open data team.

  1. You can copy the link to your private dataset and send to the reviewers and work with your Data Coordinator on final publishing approval

  2. Reviewers must log in with their accounts to see the private dataset

8. Make public after approval

Last updated